Psühhoteek on plaadipood, mis rahuldab su muusikalised erivajadused.

Psühhoteegi plaadikoguga tutvumiseks tule meile külla Tartusse Vanemuise 19, Tartu Kirjanduse majja või suundu Psühhoteegi Discogsi lehele.

Füüsiline plaadipood on avatud teisipäevast laupäevani kell 13–18.

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Plaadipoe külalised Psühhoteegist

“A little shop in Tartu, Estonia called Psühhoteek has become one of my favorite shops in the world. Not only because of the incredible gems you can find there, but also because of the owner, Ahto, who has been my guide through a lot of these discoveries. He now knows what type of sounds I'm looking for and will save the jazz dance records, the groovy but quirky ones, the leftfield easy listening, etc. etc”

(Alexis Charpentier, CAN, Music Is My Sanctuary)

"you get in. it looks messy, full of records youd never look twice at. the owner pops his head out of the box hes digging in. he talks serious mambo jambo. he puts on a pristine record youd donate your liver for.

his explanation of the record is blurry. but you feel him - his passion, his drive, his nerd-factor. you realize you know nothing about music compared to him. youll dig through the most well-hidden singles crate. you find a record you like. he forgot he had it. he doesnt want to sell. you convince him. you go through the eps. they ooze class. he convinces you to buy an unknown white label. you spend 50 euros on psych pop and new york house. theyre all released by a soviet label. they all come with cyrillic translated sleeves. "стрицтлы рытхм".

you go home. your woman asks how much you spent. you answer. she gives you the look and preaches about bills. you brake up. you propose to the shop owner. he refuses but sells you an early 60s bossanova record from palestine instead. you go home and listen to it. youre mesmerized by it. you live out the rest of your life happily. you get to the pearly gates. you meet god and realize its the shop owner. psuhhoteek is heaven.

literally my experience (certain elements may have been added for dramatic effect).

i rate it a solid 5/7."

Steffan Todorović (Sound Dept., Abdul Raeva) Facebook review

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Plaadipood Psühhoteek valiti 2022. aasta Eesti Muusikaettevõtete auhindade jagamisel aasta plaadipoodide nominentide hulka.